FNRttC June 2010 - Bognor - Update

I know that I am going to disappoint a few people, but I am not going to write up much about the Friday Night Ride to the Coast to Bognor.

Thing is that I just don't want anyone else to know about this anymore. I don't want anybody else to catch on to this magical event. Simon does a good job of limiting the numbers, so its never going to become a 'London to Brighton' kind of event. And I've been doing OK with registering on time. But whilst a couple of years ago, you could just register a week before the event, in a 'so that Simon knows' kind of way, now you need set an alert so that as soon as registration is open, you get that email out. OK, I might be exaggerating. But I'm not exaggerating when I say I would be on sulk mode till the next FNRttC opportunity, if I ever missed out. So in a completely selfish way, I don't want anybody else to know about FNRttC, it reduces my chances of a place (I hope you know by know that you need to take it with a pinch of salt when I write these things!).

You see the kind of magic I'm talking about?

Thanks again Simon and all the riders, for making this such a brilliant night.

And thank you to Charlotte for navigating Paul and I from Clapham to west London. Can't believe how many heads turned towards the recumbent and/or rider!

Have a look at the photos on the slideshow till the next ride or here: Clicky


  1. Gruut gelèk dat je het voor jezelf houdt. Dat heeft niets met egoïsme te maken, maar "gedwoenigheid"!!
    Blij dat je zo genoot van de nachtrit.
    Nu uitkijken naar Dieppe - Rumbeke
    Meim en Peip

  2. sorry, ik dacht dat Bognor regis in het zuiden lag, maar ik had het op Lime regis, denk ik.Oeps, weer een vergissing.Het is een supermooie slideshow.Ik zie dat de groep gezellig en ontspannen was,en ik zal het ook aan niemand voortvertellen;)xx
